Veterinary Medicine Translations

Accurate and compliant translations for the global veterinary industry

Why Choose Us for Your Veterinary Translation Needs?

Industry Expertise
Our team of linguists and project managers boasts decades of combined experience in veterinary medicine translations. We follow industry best practices, are deeply familiar with the highly specialized terminology of this field, and stay updated on local regulatory requirements worldwide.
Accuracy and Compliance
Accurate translations are crucial for complying with international veterinary standards and local regulations. We ensure your documents meet all guidelines and requirements. This lets you operate confidently in global markets and reduces the time to market for new medicines, medical devices, and research texts and materials.
We understand that veterinary documents contain sensitive information, particularly during the long process of bringing products to market. We implement strict confidentiality measures to protect your information and data.
Clarity and Usability
We focus on clear, easily understandable translations, always taking into account the intended audience and the content's goals. We ensure that critical veterinary information is true and effective, allowing for proper animal care across languages and cultures. This is at the heart of Pawsome’s mission: making sure we are taking the best possible care of animals.

Our Veterinary Medicine Translation Services

Clinical Trial Documents
We offer translation services for the full range of documentation required to bring a product to market. We translate clinical trial protocols, consent forms, and study reports, among others. This enables your veterinary medicine research and development to bear fruit more efficiently, to reach the market easily, and achieve maximum impact without needless and costly issues and rework.
Veterinary Product Labels and Inserts
Our solutions ensure the most accurate translations for labels and inserts for veterinary medicines and products. They are precise, terminologically correct, and meet the regulatory requirements in local target markets.
Educational Materials and Publications
We translate veterinary educational materials from textbooks and articles in print, in multimedia, and on the web. Our localization services allow you to share knowledge and aid professional growth worldwide.
Veterinary Marketing and Sales materials
Our translations help you speak clearly to your target users and buyers. They show the value of your veterinary products and services to a global audience. This drives engagement and sales in international markets. We translate:
  • Product brochures and catalogs
  • Promotional flyers and posters
  • Website content and landing pages
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Social media posts and ads
  • Press releases and blog articles
  • Specialized Areas of Veterinary Medicine Translations

    Small Animal Veterinary Medicine
    Small animal veterinary medicine focuses mostly on treating pets, including dogs, cats, and small exotic animals. Accurate translations in this field are vital. They ensure the well-being of beloved family pets. And, speaking from our own experience, they are not just pets but family members. And what is more important than family?

    – Patient records and medical histories

    – Treatment protocols and guidelines

    – Surgical procedure documentation

    – Client education materials


    Equine Veterinary Medicine
    Equine medicine is a highly specialized field with its own terminology, steeped in historical and cultural influences throughout the ages. Our in-depth knowledge of the field and precise translation services are crucial for maintaining equine welfare and sharing best practices worldwide and performance standards.

    Livestock Veterinary Medicine
    Livestock veterinary med is vital. It ensures the health and productivity of animals who form part of our food chain. The well-being of these animals has never been under more scrutiny and this is a trend that will continue to grow. Translations in this area contribute to global food security and safety and, of course, the welfare and humane treatment of all animals.

    Translation Services Offered

    – Animal health certificates and movement permits

    – Herd health management protocols

    – Biosecurity and disease control documentation

    – Livestock product labels and inserts

    Our Process

    Consultation and Quote

    Initial Consultation
    Contact our team to discuss your specific veterinary translation needs. We’ll provide a personalized proposal and quote tailored to your project requirements.

    Project Assessment

    Our experts will review your documents and content carefully. They will assess the project’s size, subject matter, complexity, and any specific requirements and give an accurate timeline for its completion, including all quality steps. This will ensure a smooth translation process and that you know timelines and costs well in advance.

    Translation and Quality Assurance

    Translation by Experts
    Your documents will be translated by professionals with extensive experience and specialized training in veterinary medicine, ensuring accurate and context-appropriate translations.

    Rigorous Quality Checks

    We use a multi-step quality process. It includes translation, editing & proofreading and, if required, third-party review by subject matter experts. This is to ensure the utmost accuracy and compliance.

    Delivery and Follow-Up

    Timely Delivery
    We understand that veterinary translations are time sensitive. We are committed to meeting your deadlines. You can count on us to ensure your projects stay on track.

    Satisfaction Follow-Up
    After delivery, we follow up with you to ensure your satisfaction with our services. We also address any concerns or extra requirements you have.

    Get a Quote today!

    Pawsome Translations can provide all the details you need

    Why Veterinary Translations Matter

    Enhancing Global Veterinary Care
    Accurate translations are crucial. They enhance veterinary care across borders. They ensure that vital information is effectively communicated and understood. This ultimately helps the well-being of animals worldwide.
    Supporting Veterinary Education
    We translate educational materials and publications. This helps spread veterinary knowledge and research, supports the professional development of veterinarians, and advances the field globally.
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    Ensuring Regulatory Compliance
    Translations are vital for meeting and assuring global veterinary standards and local regulatory requirements. We make sure your route to market is as smooth as possible and that future buyers can benefit from your products to take better care of their animals.


    Q: What types of veterinary documents do you translate?
    A: We translate veterinary documents, including clinical trial materials, product labels and inserts, educational resources, patient records, treatment protocols, health certificates, and more.

    Q: Do you have experience with specific areas of veterinary medicine?
    A: Yes, our team has extensive experience in various specialized areas, such as small animal, equine, and livestock veterinary medicine.

    Q: How do you ensure the accuracy and quality of your translations?
    A: We employ a rigorous quality assurance process, including translation, proofreading, editing, and sometimes 3rd party review by subject matter experts, to guarantee accuracy and compliance with industry standards.

    Q: How do you protect the confidentiality of our veterinary documents?
    A: We implement strict confidentiality measures, including non-disclosure agreements and secure data handling protocols, and the latest tech for protecting files and computers, to safeguard your proprietary information and sensitive data.

    Q: What is your turnaround time for veterinary translations?
    A: Our turnaround times vary depending on the project scope and complexity. We’ll provide an accurate timeline estimation during our initial consultation to ensure timely delivery and we will stay in touch with you throughout the process to ensure it.


    Get Started with Pet Care Translations

    Contact Us

    Ready to take your pet care brand global? Contact Pawsome Translations today to get started with our professional translation services. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to answer your questions, provide guidance, and develop a customized translation solution that meets your needs and budget. Don’t let language barriers hold you back from connecting with pet owners worldwide. Partner with Pawsome Translations and let us help you unleash your brand’s global potential.


    Athens, Greece

    Work Hours

    Mon - Fri: 9 am - 6 pm
    Sat - Sun: Closed