Animal Technology

Accurate and compliant translations for the global veterinary industry

Why Choose Us for Animal Technology Translation?

Industry Expertise
At Pawsome Translations, our team has unparalleled knowledge of the animal technology industry. We understand the technical jargon, product specifications, software strings, front- and back-end programming and interfaces, and regulatory requirements that define your industry. We ensure that your translations are accurate and resonate with your target audience in multiple markets.
Accuracy and Compliance
In the animal technology industry, precision is essential. We are committed to providing translations that comply with local regulations, safety standards, and intellectual property protection laws. With our meticulous approach, you can be confident that your translated content will be compliant and effective in every market you serve.

Your proprietary information, trade secrets, and sensitive data are secure with us. To protect your intellectual property and keep your animal technology innovations competitive, we have implemented strong confidentiality measures, and we always use the latest tech to safeguard your material. Partner with us to ensure peace of mind in your global endeavors.
Localization Capabilities
In addition to translation, cultural adaptation is necessary when expanding into new markets. Our team specializes in providing culturally appropriate and locally relevant translations for your animal technology products and services. We ensure that your message reaches your target audience, regardless of where they are in the world.

Our Animal Technology Translation Services

User Interfaces and Software
Successful animal technology software and applications rely on seamless user experiences in all languages. We specialize in translating user interfaces, software strings, help files, and documentation to ensure that your digital products are intuitive and usable in all languages.

Product Documentation
From product manuals and specifications to installation guides and technical documentation, we have you covered. Our expert translators ensure that your animal technology devices and equipment are supported by clear, accurate, and localized documentation, allowing for easy adoption and use in global markets. Whether you are manufacturing diagnostic equipment or toys for our animal friends, you can count on us.
Marketing and Sales Materials
Engage your target audience by creating compelling marketing collateral, sales presentations, brochures, and catalogs in their language. Our translation services assist you in crafting persuasive and culturally relevant promotional materials that increase interest and sales for your animal technology products and services.
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Regulatory Submissions
Navigating the regulatory landscape across borders can be challenging. We offer translation services for regulatory dossiers, applications, and documentation required for product approval in the animal technology industry. Allow us to help you streamline the process and achieve compliance in every market.

Translations for specialized areas of animal technology

Veterinary Medical Devices

Accurate translations are critical to the success of veterinary medical devices in international markets. We understand the sector’s unique challenges and requirements and are committed to providing precise and compliant translations.

Our team translates various materials for veterinary medical devices, such as user manuals, software interfaces, regulatory submissions, and educational resources. We ensure that your devices are accompanied by clear, localized content that facilitates their effective use anywhere in the world.

Animal Wearables and Tracking Technologies

As animal wearables and tracking technologies gain popularity, the need for accurate translations which are also clear and non-confusing for the end user becomes more pressing. We help you overcome language barriers and make your innovative products available to users worldwide.

Animal Training and Behavior Technologies

Animal training and behavior technologies necessitate specialized knowledge and accurate translations. We have the expertise to assist you in communicating the value and functionality of your products to a global audience.

Our team translates software interfaces, training content, educational materials, and product documentation specifically for animal training and behavior technologies. We ensure that your products are supported by accurate, localized content, allowing them to be used and adopted effectively around the world.

Our Process

Consultation and Quote

Initial Consultation

Begin by discussing your animal technology translation requirements with our friendly and knowledgeable team. We will take the time to learn about your project’s requirements, target markets, and specific challenges.

Project Assessment

Our experts will review your materials thoroughly, assess the scope of your project, and then provide you with a comprehensive quote. We will also estimate timelines to ensure that your translations arrive when you need them.

Translation and Quality Assurance

Translation by Subject Matter Experts

Your project will be assigned to linguists who specialize in animal technology (not to mention actual users of such technologies themselves). This ensures that your translations are not only accurate, but also technically correct and industry-specific.

Rigorous Quality Checks

Our multi-step quality assurance process ensures the accuracy and consistency of your translations. Our editors and proofreaders thoroughly review each piece of content to ensure that it meets our high standards.

Delivery and Follow-Up

Timely Delivery

We recognize the value of deadlines in the fast-paced animal technology industry. You can count on us for timely delivery of your translations, ensuring the progress of your global projects.

Satisfaction Follow-Up

Our dedication to your success extends beyond the delivery of your translations. We’ll follow up to ensure you’re completely satisfied with our work and address any issues or questions you may have.

Get a Quote today!

Pawsome Translations can provide all the details you need

Why Animal Technology Translations Are Important

Enabling Global Product Reach
Animal technology translations are crucial for expanding the reach of your products in a connected world. Localized content allows you to effectively communicate the value of your products and services to a global audience, resulting in increased adoption and success in new markets.
Supporting User Experience
Translations play a crucial role in delivering consistent user experiences for your animal technology products. By providing clear, culturally relevant content in your users' native language, you can improve product usability, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty.
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Ensuring Regulatory Compliance
The animal technology industry is subject to strict regulations and safety standards around the world. Accurate translations are essential for your products to meet standards and succeed in global markets.


Q: How long does the translation process typically take?
A: That depends on several factors, from the volume of the content to the tools required to translate it, to the availability of our in-house and external translators. For a precise timeframe we would need to discuss with you these parameters and, if possible, see samples of the content you need us to localize, and then we can provide a Quote with all the details that you need.

Q: Can you handle simultaneous translations in multiple languages?
A: Yes, that is a service we can offer our clients. We have an extensive network of translators for various language combinations and specialized tools that allow us to work simultaneously.

Q: How do you ensure the quality and accuracy of your translations? What is your approach to translating technical terminology and industry-specific jargon?
A: We have strict Quality Assurance (QA) policies in place, and we offer a full service, i.e. we use the “four eyes principle” where translation is done by one professional and then reviewed by a second professional. After those two steps come several rounds of automated or manual quality checks, before we send the final translation to the client.
We also utilize our extensive dictionaries, glossaries and subject-matter databases, research both online and offline, and we consult with doctors or other professionals in cases where specialized terminology is needed but not readily available.

Q: Do you have any experience with localizing content for regulatory submissions in the animal technology industry?
A: Yes, we do. We have spent over 20 years localizing documents for regulatory submissions for both the human and animal fields, and our experience covers various scenarios, from clinical trials to applications for orphan drugs, among others.

Q: What is your turnaround time for translations?
A: Our turnaround times vary depending on the project scope and complexity. We’ll provide an accurate timeline estimation during our initial consultation to ensure timely delivery and we will stay in touch with you throughout the process to ensure it.


Get Started with Pet Care Translations

Contact Us

Ready to take your pet care brand global? Contact Pawsome Translations today to get started with our professional translation services. Our friendly and knowledgeable team is here to answer your questions, provide guidance, and develop a customized translation solution that meets your needs and budget. Don’t let language barriers hold you back from connecting with pet owners worldwide. Partner with Pawsome Translations and let us help you unleash your brand’s global potential.


Athens, Greece

Work Hours

Mon - Fri: 9 am - 6 pm
Sat - Sun: Closed